Ben Haneman Conference Grants for Higher Degree Research Students and Early Career Researchers
19th ANZSHM Biennial Conference, Sydney, 8-12 July 2025
The Ben Haneman Conference Grants are designed to assist higher degree research (HDR) students and early career researchers (ECR) present papers at the Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZHM) biennial conference. The grants are named in memory of long-time ANZSHM member and supporter of new researchers, Dr Ben Haneman.
Up to 10 grants will normally be awarded by the grants sub-committee for each conference. Domestic applicants (resident in the same country as the conference location) may request up to AUD $800 to contribute towards travel, accommodation and childcare costs. Local applicants (resident in the same state or city as the conference location) may also request funds where required on the understanding that travel costs will be minimal. International applicants (resident in a different country from the conference location) may request up to AUD $1,200 to contribute towards the same cost categories. All successful applicants will receive one year’s free membership of ANZSHM and have the cost of the conference dinner waived.
The grants are open to current HDR students, and ECRs who have graduated with a relevant research degree no more than five years prior to the conference, allowing for career interruptions such as childcare responsibilities or sickness leave.
Grant applicants must be members of the ANZSHM and submit the completed relevant form along with an abstract for a full-length paper as part of the abstract submission process. Grants are awarded on the condition that the abstract is accepted by the conference committee. Receipts will be required for reimbursement of travel, accommodation and childcare expenses.
Preference will be given to those who demonstrate financial need or other relevant circumstances, and those who have not previously received a Ben Haneman Conference Grant.
Applications Forms
Grant application form for Early Career Researchers available HERE
Grant application form for Students available HERE
Please submit your application via email to ncosta@ncevents.com.au
Successful Applicants
Applicants may expect to hear the outcome within four weeks of the due date for conference abstracts. Grantees are expected to attend the entire conference, including the conference dinner. They are invited to be formally introduced at the Welcome Reception held the Tuesday evening of the conference week. Grantees will be asked to submit a brief report reflecting on their experience in the month following the conference for publication in the ANZSHM Medical History Newsletter.
Please email any questions to Dr Charmaine Robson | charmaine@robson.tel